5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Engagement Photos

The thought of engagement photos can be overwhelming if you’ve never had your photo taken professionally (or even if you have)! I want to assure you that it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable or unpleasant experience!! You CAN have fun in front of the camera! I’ve put together a few tips to help you get the most out of your engagement photos. I truly believe they will help you relax and have more fun during your engagement session, in doing so allowing me to take even better photos of you.

  1. Time it around the sunrise or sunset. You might have heard photographers talk about golden hour. It is an hour or so before the sun goes down everyday (if it’s not too cloudy) where the light becomes golden, it’s a magical experience every time. This light allows for that glowing look and it’s optimal lighting for all skin tones. Mid day is the worst time to be shooting outside. The harsh lighting can create unflattering shadows on faces. However if you’re shooting inside mid day is perfect for making sure there is lot’s of natural light. Also make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get ready and drive to the location before hand. It sucks to show up all rushed and worried about being late.

  2. Pick a location that means something to you or an activity that you enjoy doing together. You could set up a picnic, fly a kite, build a sand castle, go snowboarding or surfing. You could play basketball or go to the fair. You could get a milkshake or go to your favourite record or book store.This will help especially if you’re nervous about having your photo taken! It will help take away the pressure of feeling like you’re the centre of attention. You can focus on the location or the activity you’re doing and your fiancé instead of just standing awkwardly in front of me. Don’t worry I’ll also help you with posing and not feeling awkward! Everyone says they’re awkward in front of the camera but when they see the photos they’re always impressed with how they look! I’ll try to make it a relaxed environment and I hope that it will feel like more like friends hanging out that a stiff photo shoot. I’ll play some music and you can feel free to bring your favourite drink or snacks!

  3. Bring props. Believe it or not there are props that aren’t lame. For example your truck, motorcycle, long board etc. You could bring your pet (dog, bunny etc). You could order pizza or pack a picnic, you could do shots or pop some champagne! The possibilities are ENDLESS! Props will give you something to focus on and interact with with your partner and can help you feel more comfortable.

  4. Dress in comfy clothes/ something you feel like yourself in. I have a ‘What To Wear Guide’ that I send to all of my couples before their engagement session with tips and tricks on what to wear. I also sent a Pinterest board with inspiration for their shoot based on what we’ve talk about before hand (location and any props their bringing). A few quick tips: take everything out of your pockets!! GUYS i’m looking at you. The number of times I’ve had to tell guys to take phone and keys etc etc out of their pants pockets in unreal. It’s my job to notice this stuff but if you think of it a head of time I thank you. I also probably shouldn’t have to mention this but don’t wear bright coloured underwear and shirt that’s a little bit too short. It’s happened. And check your fly! I’m not afraid to point out that it’s down but do me a favour and do a quick check before you leave the house!! It way better to be aware of these things and fix them before hand than me having to photoshop them out after the fact.

  5. This might be the biggest key to getting the most out of your engagement photos! Set sometime aside before our session to hang out together. Plan something meaningful even if it’s quick to get you in the right head space. It sucks when you’re both rushing around just before the shoot and then you have a stressful drive. It should be about more than just the photos, it should be about the two of you. You should feel closer to each other at the end of the shoot.

I hope these tips and genuinely helpful for planning your engagement session! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask! I’m so happy to help in anyway I can.